Generate AI Memes and Media in Minutes!

Transform your ideas into Tiktok, Instagram, and Youtube videos without any learning curve!

Easy to use AI script to video generator featuring lifelike voiceovers, dynamic AI video clips, and a wide range of AI-powered features.



Elevate Your Marketing Efforts with Similarvideo

Captivate your audience, convey ideas, and boost visibility with irresistibly shareable content. Instantly turn text into engaging short videos using trending internet visuals, videos, and audio to amplify your brand's message.

Churn Out Pro Videos to Boost Revenue Instantly

Kickstart a video content strategy that drives heightened exposure, awareness, engagement, and revenue right from the start. Consistently post AI generated videos to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Editor speed
Organic reach

Streamline Your Short Video Creation with the All-in-One AI Tool

AI powered scripts to skip the time writing

From text or an inspiration video, AI generates a script that is unique, informative and has great entertainment value, every time. It’s produced to serve your brand and concept.

Influential voices to get viewers engaged

Convert your text prompts into voiceovers that sound like the real deal. Whether you want to create voiceovers for YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram videos, Similarvideo is your go-to tool.

Intuitive and infinitely customizable editor

Turn your ideas into compelling short videos from scratch. Start by prompting with a topic, script, or inspirational video and Similarvideo AI will put together a video in no time.

Popular internet media to keep on-trend

The vast library of millions of stock media is AI sifted to apply the most fitting footage to each scene. You have an impactful video ready without ever filming yourself.

Create and translate in all languages

Create in your preferred language and translate your video into different languages with a single click. Similarvideo now detects and translates 50+ languages.

Features of AI Short Video Generator

AI Capture

AI Capture

Turn an inspiration video into a post-worthy short video of your own in just minutes.
Similarvideo AI capture rapidly analyzes a given video and generates a script, clips and more that capture all the elements that you love in your inspirational video. It’s as easy as copy and pasting the URL.

Curious to Learn More?

Similarvideo enables you to make short videos that attract your audience across social media platforms like Youtube, TikTok and Instagram. Promote your brand message and drive results with the power of relatable, relevant and targeted content.
Our AI generates the highest quality short videos by distilling the most relevant media on the internet and analyzing your text and video prompts, to keep you up to date with the latest trends seamlessly. By consistently showing your audience that your brand knows, your posts are pushed to more viewers as your engagement through likes, comments and shares rise. You’re not just gaining views and followers, your setting your brand up for social media success.
Nope. TikTok, YouTube and instagram limit crappy, repetitive content — determined by a number of things like ratio of following and growth to engagement and media reuse without rights. With Similarvideo, your videos are in the clear ensuring originality, authenticity and relevancy to engage your audience.
No other AI video generators combine human connection and today’s rapid trend turnover with AI to create content that’s authentic to both brands and audiences.
Across TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels, start posting 1-3 videos per day. After two weeks, increase to 3-5 daily videos. The key is consistency. It’s recommended to use Similarvideo for 3 months to reach 1m+ views and positive results in all the other metrics worth celebrating over.
Our voices and videos are sourced from publicly available and widely used databases, so you can use them with confidence each video.

Turn your creative concepts into impactful short videos with Similarvideo AI with Similarvideo AI

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Unlock Your Video Potential with